================================== Experimental design ================================== General Considerations ---------------------------------- 1. **Imaging media** * Choose to minimise background fluorescence 1. Avoid FBS and Phenol Red if possible 2. Avoid Methylene Blue for IR imaging 3. Some slide/well coatings are fluorescent * Will depend on metabolites required for cells, e.g. 4. EBSS + 4mM Gln, 1mM NaPyruvate, 2mM CaCl2, 1 mM MgSO4 (Anca and Sean) 5. HBSS (Chris) with additional HEPES if needed 6. Invitrogen Fluorobrite (George) 2. **CO2 control required?** * Required for some imaging media * Often possible to avoid CO2 if using appropriate buffered media (e.g. HEPES) 3. **Temperature control** * Experiment at RT or 37°C? * Turn on incubator previous evening, heating stage several hours before * Use objective heater collar if using immersion fluid * Equilibrate dishes after media changes in incubator * Must allow temperature to equilibrate after positioning dish on microscope (10-15mins) * Monitor room temperature (USB temperature monitor available) 4. **Humidity** * Consider evaporation during long term imaging * Humidify image chamber if possible * Seal plates if possible (but may lead to pH change if CO2 required) * Use layer of mineral oil on well 5. **Stimulation** * Ideally use flow chamber * Control temperature of stimulation media * Consider diffusion effects if adding small volumes * Check for mechanical disturbance after adding stimulant * **Always** make control measurements with vehicle only, e.g. DMSO to check for flat baseline * Check for fluorescence from stimulants 6. **Imaging Substrate** * Make sure you know the properties/thickness of coverslip/well bottom * Generally use No 1.5 coverslips * Clean coverslips with ethanol before use Multi-well plate experiment design ---------------------------------- Consider including the following control/calibration wells in your plate 1. **Suitable controls** (will depend on sample), consider * Donor alone * Positive control (e.g. constitutively active protein) * Negative control (non-binding partner) * Donor with free acceptor 2. **Empty well** with same imaging media * Treat the same as the other wells during plate setup during media change 3. **Untransfected cells** 4. **Reference dye** Other issues to consider include * Plastic well plates are fluorescent in blue/green * Glass bottom plates preferable optically, but not compatible with some cells lines * Edge effects * Pipetting strategy Choosing a reference dye ---------------------------------- * Reference dye should be a **bright, mono-exponential fluorophore** * **Suggestions** for common imaging channels * **CFP channel**: Green chromaslide * **YFP channel**: Green chromaslide * **GFP channel:** Green chromaslide * **RFP channel:** Rhodamine 6G * **Chromaslides** are good when monoexponential as no anisotropy artefacts * Reference dyes should be **dissolved directly in water** * Mixed solvents can lead to multi-exponential decay * Use **low concentration**, 10uM generally good * Avoid inner filter, re-absorbtion