================================ Loading Plate Data in *FLIMfit* ================================ Setup calibration data -------------------------------- * Determine **IRF shift** * Load reference data * Set background, rep rate * Load library IRF * Adjust ‘IRF shift’ until the edge of the IRF sits roughly at the rising edge * Fit mono exponential model with free IRF shift * Check quality of fit * Note t0 value. This value should be subtracted from the IRF shift used * Create **time varying background** * Load media only well * Load camera background * Select central region * Select Tools>Export SV TVB... Loading data -------------------------------- * Load data * Load **plate metadata** * Load **camera background** images * Set laser **repetition rate** * Set **gate maximum** to camera saturation value * Load **IRF** and set **IRF shift** from reference measurement * Load **time varying background** * Save as **raw dataset**